AI Curriculum



所属企业:Code School Finland

语言: 英语、芬兰语

The Code School Finland AI curriculum consists learning modules and hands-on implementation projects. The AI Curriculum is carefully planned and built to learn 21st century skills in the form of practicing transversal competences by implementing practical, hands-on projects. It supports Finnish national curriculum objectives for programming and algorithmic thinking. Projects are integrated with subject studies and can be used for phenomenon-based learning. 
Preparing our children for the future
AI is now ingrained in every aspect of our lives. No matter what career path our children choose to pursue, AI will be an indispensable tool in their work and daily lives. Education officials and curriculum developers globally are taking steps to secure the future of their society by investing in AI education from early grades.
AI Curriculum for Basic Education
The AI curriculum is targeted for Grades 1-9. It contains curriculum both for Primary schools (Grades 1-6) and for Senior schools (Grades 7-9). The AI Curriculum provides a framework for creating projects with a project-based learning model.
- Lesson plans for 188 classroom lessons
- Slides and exercises to be used during class
- 16 projects
- 8 student books
- 1 board game
- Assessment framework and tools for grading
AI Curriculum+ for After-School
The AI Curriculum+ is targeted for ages 4-18 to be used in extra-curricular activities such as code clubs and camps. Curriculum can be studied partly concurrently, forming a coherent learning path for 2-4 years. 
- Lesson plans for 296 classroom lessons
- Slides and exercises to be used during class
- 24 projects
- 8 student books
- 1 board game
- Assessment framework and tools for grading