
发布时间:2021.04.26       来源:iDEE公众号

1. 杨现民 江苏师范大学智慧教育学院教授

Yang Xianmin  Professor, School of Smart Education, Jiangsu Normal University


Topic: Data-driven scale to teach students in accordance with their aptitude


Education is moving towards a new era of data-driven. Big data refers to a data collection characterized by large capacity, multiple types, fast access speed, and high application value. Educators need to learn to be good at obtaining data, analyzing data, and applying data. Educational big data can drive educational reform and innovation: drive scientific education policy, drive the reconstruction of education evaluation system, promote the balanced development of regional education, promote the personalized development of teachers and students, and drive the improvement of school education quality; education big data also promotes teaching paradigm Transformation: Experience Imitating Teaching Paradigm-Computational Teaching Paradigm-Data Driven Teaching Paradigm.


Data-driven practical exploration of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. The national education policy vigorously promotes: to resolve the direct contradiction between individualized education and large-scale education. Educators need to understand what kind of group children are today-"digital natives"-they are more inclined to multi-task parallel processing, visual expression, multiple interactions, fast processing, and randomness. Therefore, educators need to make a personalized education plan for each child based on teaching in accordance with their aptitude.


Data-driven theoretical discussion of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Professor Gu Mingyuan of Beijing Normal University said that providing students with appropriate education is the fairest education. Today's education is inseparable from informationization and big data. It can discover the strengths and weaknesses of children, and carry out personalized and precise teaching. There are five dimensions of support: theoretical guidance, data-driven, technical support, mechanism guarantee, and culture. Lead. At the same time, precision teaching should be implemented: careful design, fine instruction, refined study, precise evaluation, and lean coaching. In short, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude requires "adaptive/personalized learning" teaching students in accordance with their aptitude requires "data-driven new evaluations".

2. 曹培杰 中国教育科学研究院实验室副主任

Cao Peijie  Deputy Director of the Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences


Theme: Use new technology to build a new mode of teaching and learning


Primitive Society-Human Learning = Imitation

农业社会- 人类学习=阅读和背诵

Agricultural Society-Human Learning = Reading and Recitation

工业社会- 人类社会=进入学校,根据年龄按班级分班学习

Industrial Society-Human Society = Enter school and study in different classes according to age

人工智能时代(如今现状和未来趋势)= 万物互联+智慧感知

Artificial Intelligence Era (Current Status and Future Trends)=nternet of Everything + Smart Perception


Under the changing age of learning, it becomes more practical, participatory, and contextual. Learners go from applying what they have learned to applying them to learning. In the future, the classroom will shift from "false success" to "effective failure", allowing students to learn effectively amidst challenges and failures. Among them, the future classroom will pay more attention to real-world project-based learning, accurate learning based on data (flipped classroom-with the support of information technology, students use self-study to complete knowledge transfer outside of class, and to complete knowledge internalization through self-study in the classroom. Realize digital conditions (learning before teaching), emphasizing integrated interdisciplinary learning, and innovation in teaching mechanisms (flexible class schedules, mutual integration of learning scenarios, and cross-class sharing of teachers).

3. 王琳 联想智慧教育方案中心总监

Wang Lin  Director of Lenovo Smart Education Solution Center

演讲主题:科技至简 智慧为学

Theme: Technology is simple, Smart is learning

过去20年, 联想一直投身于教育信息化建设,200000+所学校,40000000+台终端2.0时代- 端(设备)边(计算)云(资源)。

In the past 20 years, Lenovo has been dedicated to the construction of educational informationization, with 200,000+ schools and 40,000,000+ terminals in the 2.0 era-device (device) side (computing) cloud (resource).


Smart learning thinking about the informatization of the teaching process: diversified operating systems, diversified applications, and diversified tools. Lenovo has been committed to teacher capacity building: "full-process" teacher teaching and research, management Kanban (real-time update of scientific research data, visual presentation of scientific research results, dynamic assistance to education managers); "comprehensive" teacher development, physical examination for growth (compared to teachers of the same teaching age and professional title) ); "full" teacher learning, process management; "full year" teacher team, development report. In addition, pay attention to the digital training of teaching and research: training project customization, training time support, training one-stop management, teaching and research digitalization-display: let those who want to do have opportunities, those who are capable have a stage, and those who do well have a status.



